Thursday, August 16, 2007

Oppressive Tobacco Tax

Congress is currently considering jacking up the federal tax on tobacco again. This time it will result in an increase of over 20,000% on cigars, as well as an equally oppressive increase on pipe tobacco.

There is no other product or transaction in the IRS code with anywhere near the oppressive and punitive levels proposed in this increase. Even if you don't enjoy a good cigar now and then, oppose this tax on principle. Because once the greedy legislators run out of revenue from tobacco (and this increase will probably force domestic tobacconists, manufacturers, and growers out of business), they'll feel compelled to come after your hobby.

Follow this link. At the site you will find a form that enables you to quickly and easily send a message to the President, your two Senators, and your Congressional Representative. Do your part to prevent oppressive taxation! (h/t Nathaniel)

1 comment:

eotijqgoadflmvkad;lmf;lwetopirgopijadfpoiad;lfm said...

Ah, good ol' Bing. I enjoy his music, but I really enjoy it around Christmas. My Grandma had a friend that lived next door to him and she said he would walk around his yard just singing (and I'm sure smoking his pipe, but she detests smoking).

Spread the word about the governments oppression. The man is trying to keep us down, yo!

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