Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger

I just wrote a letter to the governor, infuriated with his most recent activity in supporting the homosexual agenda in California's public school system. At the urging of Brant, I include it here:

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

I write to you with great dismay, frustration, and anger at your recent actions of signing into law SB777, AB394, AB102, and AB14. It is entirely disappointing to me that you apparently lack the moral compass to guide you in the way of objective Truth and Goodness and, instead, you have taken the path of political expediency, cowing to the pressures of immoral activists who wish to impose their deviant agenda upon our culture, beginning with the public school system.

Thanks to your actions, the minds of impressionable, tender young children will be forever molded into conformity with the agenda of those who worship at the altar of themselves, whose only creed is "tolerance and acceptance of all"--all that is, except those who still believe in moral absolutes. Increasingly more deviant, immoral practices are being accepted in our society (and now, thanks to you, taught in the schools) as "good," "right," and "healthy," while the millenia-old, biblical convictions that these activities are absolutely, morally wrong and evil are trampled underfoot as "outmoded," "archaic," and simple-minded. Contrary to what you might think, our children and our society will suffer as a result.

As a result of your actions, you have alienated yourself from your core constituency--secular social conservatives and Evangelical Christians of all stripes--you have betrayed our trust, have stolen our children's innocence, and have offended us greatly. Your action to support bills which take away freedom of private institutions (e.g., clubs, charities, and hospitals) to uphold their core convictions on moral issues also a disgrace to the freedoms which our nation's Constitution guarantees. In short, you have introduced moral danger and depravity to our children, robbed private enterprise of its freedoms, and brought shame upon our great state.

Governor, with all due respect, I must state that I, my family, my church, and my friends are ashamed of your actions, and I deeply regret having had any part in giving you the mandate to represent and serve me in the highest office of the state. If it were possible, I assure you that I wouldn't make that mistake again.


Orange County
Here is a link to the story, and here is a link to some video clips of indoctrination of young children going on in other parts of the country and which will now very likely occur in California in a matter time. (And you know what they say: "As California goes, so goes the nation.")

If you want to write the Governor your own e-mail to express your dissatisfaction, you can do so here.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Cyborg Wannabees

Okay, for quite some time I've noticed the increasing trend of people walking around, going about their daily activities, with a Bluetooth headset in their ears. I just don't understand it. Unless you're driving, chances are you just don't need it. And it's highly unlikely you need to be on the phone continuously as you go grocery shopping, purchase your Starbuck's Frappuccino, walk your dog, and use the toilet. What's so hard about removing that silly little gadget from your ear unless you actually need to make a phone call? Don't you know it makes you look silly? Maybe even like a cyborg from Star Wars.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Want an Otoscope?

I sure do!

Compounders of P&M Dermasalve are giving away 6 Free Dr. Mom Otoscopes. Click HERE for details.

We've always wanted to be able to look in our kids' ears when they have a cold to see if they also have an ear infection. Having an otoscope could save us an unecessary trip to the pediatrician. Enter to win! (h/t Nathaniel)

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