Thursday, June 07, 2007

Out of the mouths of children

I've had a few of those proud daddy moments recently, where I reflect with admiration and beam with glee at my kids. There has been a series of events over the past week or so which involve my four-year-old, Bennett, and about which as a parent I couldn't be gladder. Allow me a few moments to boast about the great son God has given me:

First, I got a call last week from my wife, telling me Bennett had a question for me. She put him on and he asked, "Daddy, does Bailey have any sin in him?" By this, he meant, "does our cat have a sin nature." I went on to explain that no, animals haven't inherited a sin nature like people have. I recalled the story of Adam and his disobedience and how, because of him, now all people are sinners. While cats and other animals are affected by the curse, they aren't in rebellion against God. I know, at only 4, he has a hard time grasping all of that (especially since Bailey does "bad" things like barf on the carpet). But in time, with a steady diet of godly teaching he will get it. But I wasn't going to say something like, "Sorry kid, you're too young to understand; wait 'til you're twelve." It warms my heart to see my little kid pondering such deep and important issues.

Last weekend, he was looking at the pictures in one of his books. He gets my attention and points to a few tiny little chicks and then, cupping his little right hand he says, "I really want to hold one." It was so cute. So I told him, mommy and I would try to find a place where he could go hold a chick. That was all he could talk about for the next two days. My wife finally took him to the little tack and feed store near our house where he got to pet and hold two chicks and a duckling. The story is that he was ecstatic. It's so neat to see the simple pleasures of life overwhelm kids with such joy.

Finally, last night was the spring musical presentation of Bennett's preschool. All of the kids got up on the bleachers and sang a number of songs they had been learning. There must have been over 600 parents and grandparents there. Bennett knew all the words and hand motions, and he sung with all of his heart. It warms my heart to see how much he enjoys learning and singing about God and the enthusiasm with which he does so.

Soli Deo gloria!

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