Thursday, September 21, 2006

Chavez, the Lunatic Thug

Does this little girl look happy to you? Well, would you be happy if Hugo Chavez had his arms around you like that?

I'm enraged that he after he is graciously allowed to enter our country he then has the nerve to blast our president in the most uncivilized, rude, and immature manner. What a frightening, unstable man.

Can we please just kick the UN out of New York and get the heck out of the UN once and for all!? (It'll never happen.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is it about oil that turns a leader into a walking nutbar? I can't wait for the day when we advance a bit more on the biodiesel/biomass/electric/H-cell front and we can tell idiots like this "hope you built something with all that oil money, cuz you're not getting any more of it."

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