Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Entertainment Junkies

America is a nation of entertainment junkies. We're addicts. Just like a heroin addict, all we can think about is our next fix. NFL, NBA, NASCAR, Snoop Dog, Christina Aguilera, American Idol, Sez and the City, Lost, 24, etc., etc. We walk around town in a trance with our iPod earbuds glued to our ears, faithfully attending Regal Cinema or the Troubadour or Edison Field on Sundays, where we bow to the gods and goddesses we have made with our own money, who in turn happily help us shoot up for another fix. Meanwhile, the important things of the world go on, and we're oblivious to them.

Want some proof? Here's the latest: Snow White's Seven Dwarfs are more well known than the 7 US Supreme Court Justices. What's worse? The 3 Stooges are better known than the 3 branches of US Government. And more people know Bart Simpson is Homer Simpson's son than know that the Illiad and Odyssey are the Greek poet Homer's epics poems.

Symptoms of a declining culture? I think so.


Anonymous said...

I quizzed myself when I first saw this, and was pleased to realize I could name 7 of the 9 justices - I missed Stevens and Breyer. As for the seven dwarves, I don't know if I could even name one convincingly.

Van said...

You're clearly a man out of step with his culture. A stranger in a strange land.

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